
Lyle Gurrin’s

“Statistical Thinking”

ePortfolio and blog posts for #EDUC90970

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Stepping into the virtual classroom with #EDUC90970

My student peers and I have been busy reflecting on Thomas Cochrane’s Facilitating Online Learning #EDUC90970 that was, marvellously, delivered entirely online June to August 2020. The subject might have been better titled Design for Online Learning, that is, how to use ideas about structuring a learning environment that uses contemporary technology to facilitate and…

Bayes Watch!

I’m re-developing a subject called “Bayesian Statistical Methods” (BAY), an advanced elective in the Master of Biostatistics taught entirely online through the Biostatistics Collaboration of Australia. Students are typically mature-age “career changers” or clinicians / medical researchers who are learning to do their own statistics. They will not have encountered Bayesian statistics previously, which offers…

The Virtual Art of Statistical Consulting

Statistical consulting is an important but tricky business, and the life of a consulting statistician can be exhilarating, as this wonderful cartoon illustrates: Statistics’ graduates need to learn to become consultants. Existing programs typically include formal courses in statistical consulting, client problem seminars, placements with government, industry and partner institutions, and consulting in university statistical…

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